Arts for Social Change

Ripples presents an opportunity to listen to and amplify the voice of artists from all over the world and to create a picture of the local needs and issues that matter and are currently being experienced. At the same time it is also an opportunity for the community of artists and the public to share, build ongoing and meaningful relationships and to look for ways that encourage mutual support.
is the shortcut link (to this page) for sharing
Ripples 1 has been responding to the various challenges that we as individuals had to face especially in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic whose impact has been exacerbated by issues of inequality, injustice and globalisation. Many people’s lives have been affected and Ripples recognises that although we are “in the same storm we are in different boats“.
We are currently collating and evaluating the messages participating artists and the public shared via the one-minute videos and other media that responded to the question ‘What matters to you?’ via the hashtag #ripplesworld
click above to search on Ecosia and help to plant trees!
You can discover the Ripples 1 responses via our Ripples Google Map. Scroll the map, zoom in and click on the coloured pins and images to watch the Ripples Initiating Artists and Steering Group Members . The different coloured pins on the map are responses from all artists relating to the Ripples 1 timeline from 2020:
10th October – Sunrise (World Mental Health Day)
24th October – Noon
7th November – Sunset
21st November – Midnight
21st December – 10.02am UTC - December Solstice
Ahmed Soura - Europe (Germany) / Africa (Burkina Faso)
Abigail Sena Atsugah - Africa (Ghana)
Olive Nieto - Asia (Philippines)
Lizzy Tan - North America (USA)
(Tau) Peter Rockford Espiritu - Oceania (Hawai'i)
Takumã Kuikuro - South America (Brazil)
Savita Rani - Asia (India)
- listed top to bottom - left to right -
Ripples is a co-conceived project from the Intercultural Roots international community of practitioner-researchers.
Elizabeth de Roza ( is a practitioner-researcher|educator, multi-disciplinary performance maker, theatre director, actor-movement trainer. As a practising artist, Elizabeth’s works range from site-specific social engagement to cross-cultural | disciplinary performances and intense black-box physical performances. She has collaborated on many international performance projects with a focus on embodied experiences, thinking and practice through making, embodied cognition and cross-cultural performance at the intersections of both decolonial and feminist theories. She has presented these works at various prestigious contemporary theatre festivals in South America, Europe, UK, Asia. She also co-convenes the Embodied Research Working Group within the International Federation for Theatre Research and holds a PhD (Theatre and Performance), Goldsmiths, University of London.
Shabari Rao is an independent artist, educator and researcher from Bangalore, India. Her work focuses on the relationship between body, performance, and knowledge. Her work takes the shape of performing, directing, teaching, writing, and more recently, experimental film and has been presented internationally through conferences, residencies, festivals and publications. More details can be found at
Executive Director , Intercultural Roots.
- Steering Group Members, Initiating Artists and Intercultural Roots Trusteesthe Intercultural Roots executive team: Alex Boyd (Executive Director), Andrea Maciel (Artistic Director), Alice Motta (Producer), Wendy Van der Haagen-Boyd (Financial Administration), Peter Kramer (Volunteer) and Clare Kenvyn (External Evaluation)
- Those people who helped recommend the Ripples Initiating Artists: Lynette Hunter, Kara Jhalak Miller, Irina Reinke, Alice Motta, Paulo Múmia, Elizabeth de Roza, Ahmed Soura and Alex Boyd
- Those practitioner-researchers who attended community consultation events where Ripples was first conceived and introduced (mid June 2020) and developed in particular Maggi Swallow, Tiago Gambogi and Isabella Sperottothe IFTR Embodied Research Working Group co-convened by Ben Spatz and Elizabeth de Roza whose ‘reading group’ discussions concerning decolonialism have been invaluable
- we want to claim the happy fact that this project has emerged from exchanges and collaboration with many others, human and non-human. We have shared discussions, work sessions, dialogues and parties and our pollen has crossed many times. Without these lively connections none of this could have blossomed. In particular we have partnered in parties, meetings and intersect with 1001 Fires.