Irene Fiordilino

Specialism: Contemporary Dance, Creative Labs, Dance, Interdisciplinary Performance Making, Practitioner Lab, Somatic, Visual Arts, Yoga

Dr Irene Fiordilino is a London-based choreographer and researcher. She is the director of Scirocco Dance Theatre Company and associate director of London International Screen Dance Festival. Irene’s original artistic methodology - Transitory Architecture - sits in the space between choreography and architecture: the intention is to bring into the fore the relation between bodies and space, questioning the aesthetics and the politics of cohabitation. Her artistic aim is to promote - through performance - sustainable and ecological forms of inhabiting and cohabiting in our urban spaces, placing an emphasis on the liminal encounters between the natural and the artificial. Her work and research with Scirocco Dance Theatre has been supported by artistic residencies, featured in art magazines, presented and discussed at international festivals, conferences and symposia.

Specialism: Contemporary Dance, Creative Labs, Dance, Interdisciplinary Performance Making, Practitioner Lab, Somatic, Visual Arts, Yoga

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