Dylan Bolles

Trustee (USA) - Specialism: Deep Listening, Environment/Conservation/Eco-Embodied/Horticulture, Mindfulness, Music, Voice / Vocal Work & Song

Dylan Bolles is a music composer, multi-disciplinary performer, and collaborative artist whose current work focuses on healing our relationship with the more-than-human world.  He is a member of Lost Meadow Land Cooperative in central Vermont, USA, where he and his family are raising goats, practicing Korean Natural Farming, and running Bottomless Well, an off-grid arts and ecology immersion program dedicated to providing land-based living and learning opportunities to historically marginalized and un-landed peoples. Dylan received his Doctorate in Performance Studies from the University of California, Davis, and is a founding member of Thingamajigs Performance Group, a long-running and long-playing composer's collective out of Oakland, California.

Specialism: Deep Listening, Environment/Conservation/Eco-Embodied/Horticulture, Mindfulness, Music, Voice / Vocal Work & Song