Studio Parties & Performance Sharing

Apr - Jul 2020

Studio Parties & Performance Sharing
A series of 'Studio' Zoom parties that started in partnership with Cross Pollination and #1001Fires artists

Zoom Studio Lockdown Performance Parties !!

Our online Zoom parties became a much needed opportunity for getting together while in lockdown, across different time zones, for celebration, for sharing our creativity and nourishing connections and for just having fun and dancing with each other.  Four different events offered professional platforms for artists to exhibit their work in process and art work.

Cross-Pollination ‘Open House’ Party 4th April,  Studio 48 (9th May 2020 – 48 days into lockdown), Studio 69 (30th May - 69 days into lockdown) and Studio 1001 (25th July, in partnership with our Cross Pollination partner and #1001Fires artists).