21 Jan 2021
Featured sessions including devising techniques for digital formats and felt-sense connections.
'Lecoq, Boal & Dance Paradoxes'
Was an opportunity to develop Creative Tools for Digital Performance Devising. We invited artists and the public to join Alice Motta, Júlia Couto and Gabriela Flarys who shared tools from their artistic backgrounds that can be applied to digital formats. Respectively, they each presented devising techniques from: Lecoq’s imaginary and poetic worlds; storytelling and Boal’s Image Theatre; movement and spoken words relationship.
17:00 – 18:30 GMT on Wed, 20 January 2021
Invited the public to this co-taught workshop bridging Feldenkrais and Somatic Duncan Dance approach facilitating a felt sense in the body connecting with ourselves.
‘How can our embodied practices bring possibilities for reconnecting to ourselves and each other, for undoing habits and immersing in our environments?'.
'How can we activate attention, curiosity and play as tools for being with a complex world? Can such radical attending with care help us re-make what is broken?'
With Julia Pond & Thomas Kampe (PhD)
Main Image: Alice Motta